Birding Mont-Saint-Michel
Presentation :
I will be your guide. I was born in Avranches, and brought up in the Vallée de la Sélune, one of the main tributaries of the bay. I have been a keen visitor of its shores since adolescence. I also visit many sites in Normandy and Brittany. After I qualified as biologist and naturalist, I was employed as technician and project leader for 16 years by the GONm.
I then decided to become a freelance professional guide in 2018, with a specialisation in the avifauna of the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel and marine wildlife. Thanks to my experience of over 20 years as an ornithologist, warden, and group leader, I am now ready to embark on a new profession : organiser of themed stays for individuals, groups and members of environmental associations.
On a more abstract level, I also practise ornithology as a form of art, where its visual, auditory and behavioural riches help me create freely and happily. My passion for birds and marine wildlife regularly leads me abroad, more particularly to Mongolia where I study the migration of Siberian birds. Wild birds and marine wildlife are part of my life : I am fascinated by their freedom, their migratory journeys, their calls and cries. I want to share this enthusiasm with the public and help them learn about birds and the environment in general. I am involved in several environmental associations.
Sébastien Provost
- Graduate of a BTSA Management and Protection of Nature and a BTA Wildlife Management.
- Authorized Bird ringer of the Museum of Natural History (CRBPO) since 2000.
- Ornithologist and nature guide for 16 years at Groupe Ornithologique Normand.
- Member of the French Rarities Committee (CHN), in charge of the validation of rare and occasional species in France, between 2013 and 2018.
- Member of the Regional Rarities Committee of Normandy between 2001 to 2020.
- Author of scientific and fields journals, national (Alauda, Ornithos) and regional (Cormoran).
- Independent animator of nature shows (tales, staged) from 2010.
- Experiences of studying and observing birds abroad: Quebec, Senegal, Morocco, Madagascar, Oman, Jordan, Greece, Spain, Hungary, the Netherlands, Finland, Norway, various stays in Mongolia …
- Level B1 in English of the BULATS exam, certified by the University of Cambridge.
- First aid training with the Red Cross (PSC1-IRR)
« Being an ornithologist guide means sharing one’s passion and experiences in the heart of the most beautiful natural areas. The success of an animation and a stay are based on this subtle balance between the chosen site, the themes, the work of preparation, transmission and a good group atmosphere ».
The philosophy of Birding MSM.
My aim as a professional and passionate ornithologist is to help you make the most of the natural wonders of the Bay while respecting the wildlife and its habitats. Also, help you discover, from a cultural point of view, the various sites that constitute our heritage. Finally, I would like you to take home unforgettable memories of a nature discovered through sharing and conviviality.
From our code of ethics
- We shall reduce our ecological footprint to a minimum by using only one minibus.
- We will watch the wildlife from a distance using binoculars and spotting scopes in order to keep disturbance to a minimum.
- We will be particularly careful not to disturb the nesting birds ; not to leave any rubbish or litter ; and to respect the local population and their grounds.
- We will, consequently, limit our groups to a maximum of 8.
« In order to respect and observe the wildlife in the best possible conditions, we prefer the supervision of groups of less than 8 people »
What makes birdwatching with us a unique experience ?
Your guide is well qualified, experienced, and expert at birdwatching.
Your guide will select the birdwatching and marine wildlife sites best suited to the time of the year you have chosen.
Birdwatching in our company is original, playful and artistic, while respecting the birds need of privacy.
You will receive complementary rich information concerning the local culture and traditions.
You will be transported in a minibus in groups of 8 maximum (please, book ahead!). and offered coffee and drinks, which will enable you to share unique moments in a friendly atmosphere. (remember to book in advance!).
Your guide has a first aid training with the Croix rouge
To guide foreign groupes, your guide follow english training course with the groupe FIM (level B1 from BULATS), certified by the University of Cambbridge.
Birding Mont-Saint-Michel => Passion, expérience et conviviality.
Welcoming English-speaking groups.
« The identity of Birding Mont-Saint-Michel is a mix of experience, passion and friendliness»

Observation des oiseaux et de la faune marine en Normandie et Bretagne.
La découverte des meilleurs sites naturels régionaux... notamment en baie du Mont-Saint-Michel où plus de 250 espèces sont observées chaque année, sans oublier ses populations de grands dauphins et phoques, un site naturel exceptionnel, reconnu en Europe pour sa biodiversité.
Birding MSM sur les réseaux sociaux
Pour nous contacter
1990 route de Sartilly, Saint Michel des loups 50610 JULLOUVILLE
+33 (0)6 23 57 45 88