Birding Mont-Saint-Michel
Discover nature at its best Birdwatching stays and tours in the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel and more widely in Normandy and in Brittany. Activities “à la carte”, stays, trekking or a walk to recharge your batteries… with a professionnal ornithologist and naturalist Guide.
Consult L’AGENDAThe newsFACEBOOKBirding Mont-Saint-Michel work in partnership with LPO, GONm and Bretagne Vivante.
Presentation of Birding MSM

Find the whole program of the season 2024, to download.
A selection of ornitho articles to read and available in pdf.
Gallery of images
Zoom on the Bay and Chausey birds, categorized by season.
In a few numbers.
Participating in an activity with Birding Mont-Saint-Michel is choosing experience and sharing.

Years of experience

km traveled in the bay!

species seen in the bay by Birding Mont-Saint-Michel
The next visits and animations
Here are the next 3 activities, do not hesitate to consult the full agenda.
For only 120€, fixe activities included 3 days outings.
To be closer to the birds and wildlife…
60 euros savings !
3 activities – 130€
Ornithologist and naturalist guide
Illustrated birding report
Birding "à la carte"
Looking for a tailor-made ornithological outing? To offer, to escape, to aerate and contemplate…
Week or the week-end, all year round (for a small group).
1/2 day or day – from 140€
Ornithologist and naturalist guide
Illustrated birding report
> Read More
Theme days
To enjoy the unique atmosphere of the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel in spring and autumn, quiet and lively flights and calls of birds. Meet the iconic site, salt meadows, mud flats, coastal marshes and meadows.
1 day – 60 €
Ornithologist and naturalist guide
Travel by mini-bus
Illustrated birding report
> Read more
The Last Testimonials
A list of testimonies received during our animations in full nature. You too, feel free to share your experience with Birding Mont-Saint-Michel !
A wonderful October morning at Carolles spent watching the migratation of thousands of birds. Sebastien shared his knowledge of the birds, and his passion for them, in excellent English. Thank you, Sebastien, you are a great guide.
A rewarding and well organized day.
Sebastien Provost, our guide, courteous and smiling, is pedagogical and knows his subject very well.
Delighted with my outing.
A very busy day with more than 65 species of birds observed and even mammals (deer, fox,…).
A great guide who taught us a lot of things!
Can’t wait to come back this winter!

Observation des oiseaux et de la faune marine en Normandie et Bretagne.
La découverte des meilleurs sites naturels régionaux... notamment en baie du Mont-Saint-Michel où plus de 250 espèces sont observées chaque année, sans oublier ses populations de grands dauphins et phoques, un site naturel exceptionnel, reconnu en Europe pour sa biodiversité.
Birding MSM sur les réseaux sociaux
Pour nous contacter
1990 route de Sartilly, Saint Michel des loups 50610 JULLOUVILLE
+33 (0)6 23 57 45 88